-came close to accidentally buying fabric softener instead of laundry detergent.
-slept too much.
-had cool dreams.
-met Mikey and Dan at the station.
-told tales of our defective apartment key.
-saw what was in Mary's frozen bag of rice at dinner.
-listed our top 3 (or 5 or 6 or 7) favorite movies.
-had trouble trying to remember Kate Beckinsale, Charade/The Truth About Charlie, and Disturbia.
-compared & contrasted the boys'/girls' apartments. (We definitely lucked out.. considering we don't have to do our dishes in the bathtub).
-why does Dan have 3 Futon mattresses?
-compared & contrasted our reflexes in a riveting game of Pig Tale/Swine Tail.
-schooled Mary and Dan in Spades.
-realized that my napping may have helped my cold, but has definitely begun to set me back to California time...
I love reading these and hearing your voice in my head...lol...I love reading about your adventures.