Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calculus + Kanji

I was advised to not go to a doctor straight away regarding my ear, just because Japanese doctors do a little more forceful poking and prodding.. I'm gonna wait it out a couple days- see what happens. However all day today I felt like I was listening to the ocean through a giant conch shell- and the poor students are trying to talk to me and I'm like "Heh? What?" This ear thing is definitely not helping to encourage confidence in their English skills :/

I learned how to change trains today- going from the monorail line to the Keio line so I can get to Shuto University or the boys' apartment. Near Shuto there's a prefecture called Minami-Osawa and they have great shopping.. that cute cotton scarf was only like.. $84 American dollars- and paired with that $240 top, I'd look like I walked straight out of an Anthropologie magazine. But it really is a shame that the prices were so sky high 'cause I was rockin' some of those hats!

I hear Harajuku has cheaper shopping. 

Have you ever seen a calculus equation in kanji? That is like the craziest stuff ever. 


  1. If you DO go to Harajuku, try to make it to Amerikamura! It's fascinating to see how other people see us Americans! (Plus it's just plain fun)

  2. It's great to hear about your adventures every day! The shopping sounds fun...but scary! Hope your ear gets better soon. Get it checked in a day or so if it isn't improving.
