Thursday, June 4, 2009

In Japan [and online] at last!

Well I'm here. I can hardly believe it! I've definitely had some interesting experiences that I'd love to share with you, but I'm about to go to bed so I'll brief you on them later. Here are a few:

-The individual screens ahead of each of the seats on the plane made me and Dan's quadruple movie feature possible. Slumdog Millionaire, Benjamin Button, Bolt, and Children of Men were the ones we picked for the 10 hour flight. (yeee!!)

-The airport in Japan had a special health check point (swine flu), but my plugged ears, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and headache weren't really helping me out. haha.. yeah...

-I still have all of those symptoms. And my left ear hasn't adjusted from the pressure change from the plane FOUR DAYS AGO! (yikes?)

-Until Wednesday I had never had rice and broccoli for breakfast.

-The Japanese don't like raw carrots. 

-Tried sushi for the first time (you can get sushi here for 105 yen per plate. That's about $1.00 in the US. Each plate has 2 pieces of sushi on it). I had shrimp/avacado, tuna, cucumber in seaweed, and squid. Didn't really care for the squid, but the rest of the fish wasn't too fishy! yay! 

-Japan is very safe and very clean. I like it. 

-I had a terribly fantastic view of the tallest part of Tokyo from my room at the Olympic Center :D

-It is currently 7:30 am June 4th in America. Congratulations to my friends who will graduate today! I've been thinking about you! I even had a dream last night that I was still in high school but I had stopped going to class for like a month so I could go to Japan and whatnot. But, because I hadn't been to school, I hadn't picked up my graduation tickets, I hadn't signed up for Sober Grad (which was a swing dancing club instead of a cruise on the bay), I didn't know where I was supposed to go so I could walk the stage, my mom was upset because she wanted to see me graduate but wouldn't be able to... it was awful. I was so happy to wake up and be like "oh wait.. I already did that last year. sweet." So yeah, congrats to you all! :D 

-It's nearly midnight here. Have a good Thursday :]


  1. Rachel - Have a blast! Don't forget to try the Pocari Sweat. It's like gatorade, only you have to get over the fact that it's called Pocari Sweat... Oh, and if you get a chance, try the doughnuts there... for some reason after about your fifth week on Japanese food, they taste REALLY good. For a taste of the eccentric in Tokyo, try to find your way to Harjuku Station on a sunday night... THAT'll be an eye opener, or for just totally crazy times square-ishness, head over to Shinjuku! - Tanoshinde!!! (Have Fun!) Brandon @CFWC

  2. That's actually Harajuku... Oops.

  3. slumdog millionaire is amazingg.

    that is all.

  4. yeah- the word "sweat" on a bottle of clear liquid "drink" isn't enticing.. but I'll take your word for it! I hear it's really good!
